What a program!

earn money and do nothing but provide a link.

Here is the procedure in a step-by-step fashion to ease this 'complicated' process.

1. Sign in here. (http://ww6.aitsafe.com/mtracker/new.htm?userid=81132115)

2. After you submit this page, you will receive an email with a login and password.

3. Wait 24 hours or so before logging in with your new login and password. There is an approval process that takes a short while. You will be notified via email when the approval goes through.

4. Now login at this address (make sure you bookmark it also - http://ww6.aitsafe.com/mtracker.) Use you new login and password to get in. This page will contain all the details you may need later. (Such things as how much we owe you!)

5. At your web site, promote the address - AmbericaWest.com (https://www.ambericawest.com)

6. Simply place our banner or text link on site page and you are ready to make Money!. Every time one of your visitors clicks the banner or text link on your site and orders a product from AmbericaWest.com ..........we pay you 15% of every sale.

7. Go to this page for banners, or images that may be appropriate to you (https://www.ambericawest.com/affiliationimages.html). Determine what you feel is appropriate for your own web pages and place the html code in. This step is important - it will show you how to insert the HTML code so we know it was your site that the customers came from.

8. That is all. Now wait for the money to roll in. For questions, feel free to email us at affiliates@ambericawest.com

Other important links:





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(719) 258-9319

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