Baltic Amber

Item 1

This is a rare piece. First there is a twig (or the remains of a twig) going through the amber. But much more importantly, there is a Bristletail, Apterygota, Zygentoma. These are wingless true insects. This particular one is fairly good sized. A superb example of a Bristletail in Baltic amber.

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Item 2

A good example of a dance fly, Diptera: Brachycera: Empididae.  Good details on this guy.   The piece is not large.

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Item 3


Lovely clear piece of Baltic with a small, but nice female worker ant, Hymenoptera, Formicidae.  There are also 3 (small - but all mites are small) mites scattered around this great piece.

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Item 4

Big piece of Baltic amber.  This has what appears to be a stem going through the center.  There is a wasp (I think) with all 4 wings spread.  Also a larvae or millipede (not sure).  It is a cool piece.

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Item 5

Mayfly - Order Ephemeroptera. Mayfly eggs are laid in water and are hatched within one to two weeks. The nymphs develop for a year or more in water. When they emerge into the air, their life span is counted in hours. Mayflies are very rare in amber. This particular mayfly is in a nice piece of amber, but it is difficult to see. Many microscopic air bubbles impede clear visualization of the animal. Needless to say, this is not a 'cleared' piece of Baltic amber.

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Item 6

An uncleared piece of Baltic amber with 3 flies, Brachycera and 1 gnat.  Good detail on the flies.

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Item 7


Item 8

I am not sure on this largish piece.  maybe it is a beetle, but the amber is not clear and it is difficult to see.

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Item 9

Nice piece - no animals inside.  Rather a hodge podge of forest floor detritus.  Fun to look at.

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Item 10

Good sized piece with both ends "rough".  This has a twig inside.  It does look like a leaf  (part of one) is at the end of the twig.

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Item 11

This contains a caddis fly, Trichoptera.  Easy to see but hard to make out (see photos).

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Item 12

About 2/3 of an inch in size (amber) and the stonefly is about a 1/2 inch. Bottom line, this piece of amber has the rare and massively sought after stonefly, Plecoptera. While fully developed larvae are occasionally found in amber, the exuviae (molt) and particularly the winged imagoes are most common. This is not the molt, but the actual animal. The mature larvae leave the water and often climb up nearby tree trunks to shed their last exuvia and become winged imagoes. As stoneflies develop only a low affinity for flying and usually walk rather than fly in the event of danger, in search of food or to mate, their dispersal in minimal and often limited to the immediate vicinity of their original aquatic habitat.

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Item 13

This is certainly a different piece.  There is quite a story to weave around this piece.  Going through the resin is what I feel to be a stick.  Attached to this stick was a ant colony.  The resin must have dripped on to the colony of ants some 45 million years ago.  Mostly there were female worker ants, Hymenoptera, Formicidae, scurrying around.  Part of the hive that housed juveniles was also here.  There is a pupa that died immediately prior to hatching.  This is the first time I have ever seen that.   Must be two dozen worker ants who lost their life in the sap.  Part is very clear, part has a rough surface.  An amazing piece of amber.

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Item 14

This has a moth fly inside, Diptera, Psychodidae and also a cool looking coprolite.

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Item 15

Interesting  piece.  This does have a long legged fly, Diptera, Dolichopodidae.   It is not uncommon to see a whitish film (like fungus) on one side and the other side to be perfect.  This is an example of that.

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Item 16

There is a lot here. First, the largest animal is a caddis fly, Trichoptera, family Polycentropodidae, then there are 2 gall midges, Cecidomyiidae and2 true midges, Chironomidae. Finally there is a male spider, Theridiidae.

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Item 17

This is not for everyone. It is a small piece and the animal inside is very small. But hold on to your hats, this is an Annelida. It really is. Please, again, this is for the serious collector.

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Item 18


Smallish, rather cuboidal shaped piece of Baltic amber.  There are a bunch of flies (2 Nematocera and 1 Brachycera) also a mite.

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Item 19

Here is a rare animal, a bristletail, Archeognatha, Machilidae. You can see the three tails on the rear of the abdomen. This is a rather rare specimen.

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Item 20

This is a small piece and only suitable for a collection (not a 'showy' piece).   Scale insects are not commonly found in amber.  This is a scale insect, Homoptera, Coccinea.

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Item 21

A very rare botanical piece of the Cypress family, Cupressaceae, a Thuites twig. Twigs are seldom found in Baltic amber since they decay so rapidly. This particular piece has a very nice twig - almost an inch long. Very nice, very impressive for a collection.

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Item 22

An interesting  piece of amber. This has what appears to be a flower inside, at one end.  The flower is different.  The central portion is elongated.  fun to look at.

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Item 23

Nice specimen of a ground beetle, Coleoptera, Carabinae.  Ground beetles lead a predaceous life, primarily inhabiting the ground surface  in the forest.  Easy to see, located on the side of the amber.

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Item 24

A particularly fine specimen of a moth fly, Diptera, Psychodidae and a good gall midge, Diptera, Cecidomyiidae.

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Item 25

This contains what is called a barklice, Order Pscoptera.  Notice the stalked eyes.

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Item 26

A long and relatively thin piece with a single moth fly, Diptera, Nematocera:Psychodidae.  You can easily see the parallel venation on the wings.

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Item 27

Small, oblong, clear piece of Baltic amber that contains a checkered beetle larva, Coleoptera, Cleridae.

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Item 28

Although I am not 100% sure about this, I do think it is a froghopper (spittlebug). Superfamily Cercopoidea do not have any veins visible in the clavus and are extremely rare in Baltic amber. This is a perfectly shaped piece with a large froghopper.

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