Chiapas Spiders

This is the fabled Chiapas amber from the Mayan mines in Chiapas, Mexico.  This page is exclusively spiders.  For some reason there is a special quality to amber with spiders in it.  Enjoy the page as you go through it.

Item 1

No better way to start this page than with the remnants of a spider web.  This is a nice piece, clear with great color.

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Item 2

Shaped more like 1/2 of a tube, this has a very easily seen spider near the bottom.

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Item 3

There is a lot of debris in this large piece of amber.  The spider is large - about 3/4 of an inch.  While there are distractions in this piece, the spider does catch one's attention.

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Item 4

I am not a specialist in spiders, but my guess on this one is the Family, Uloboridae; Migrammopes.  This spider has enormous long front legs.  Rather on the rare side.

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Item 5

Good piece with a small but very complete spider.  The spider is small, but visible.

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Item 6

While this is not a spider, many people think it is.  I believe this is be a 'daddy-long-legs', and Opilioneae.  'He" is located at one end of the piece of amber.

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Item 7

Quite a piece of amber. It is large and contains three spiders, midges (maybe a dozen flies, Nematocera) and a lot of other inclusions.  Fun to look at.  One of the spiders is nice sized, the other two are smaller.  This even has what looks like a stellate oak hair (doubtful).

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Item 8

While not a perfectly clear piece, the large spider is easily visible.  This is one of those pieces that looks better as an image than direct observation.

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Item 9

A large piece of amber that shows a nice sized spiderActually there are 2 spiders in this piece, a gnat and a worker ant.  This is a nice piece.

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Item 10

It looks like the spider is trying to wrap up a mall fly.  There are 2 spiders in this piece, a small wasp and a very small section of a Bryophyte (plant).

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Item 11

The spider is really nice.  Along the sides of amber are areas of cloudiness, but bottom line, the spider is soooo easy to see.


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Item 12

A piece with a reddish tinge.  The spider is near the middle and small.  Reminds be of a baby black widow (it is not a black widow).

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Item 13

Just a rather unusual looking spider.  The amber is tear drop shaped and attractive.  The spider, it is just unusual with some strange mouth parts - who knows?

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Item 14

I admit it, I am not an expert in spiders.  There are 2 spiders here - one is a male (the enlarged pedipalps) and the other with the enlarged abdomen.  It looks like part of the abdomen has been cut away.  But to me, this screams of a mated pair of spiders.  Might not be, but it certainly looks like it.  Not only is this a male and female spider, but the amber they are in is layered from many successive resin flows - a real cool effect.

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Item 15


Item 16

There is just something cool about spiders.    This has a detailed spider off to the side, easily seen without a microscope.   Also, there is what looks like a shed on the other side.  A good piece.

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Item 17

I love this piece.  It is a spider, but it reminds me of an octopus (it is a spider!).  Great shape to the amber and while the spider is not large, it is easily seen.  This could be made into a nice pendant.

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Item 18

This is slightly different.  This is a piece that would be perfect to be made into a pendant.  The shape and thickness is perfect for it.  A band of silver or gold or just a clasp at the top - any jeweler can do this.  It has some nice layering and shows well.  On the side is a small but distinct spider.

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Item 19

Ticks are very rare - and I always have a hard time distinguishing a tick from a mite, but I think this is a tick.  Not only that, but not far from the 'tick' is a small tuft of mammalian hair.  I think this tells a story.

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Item 20

This is a large ground beetle, Coleoptera, Carabidae.  They are not good fliers, but are good runners.  Note the long thorax and the elytra have brilliant colors.  Ground beetles lead a predaceous lifestyle, primarily inhabiting the ground surface.  This is  particularly fine specimen.

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Item 21

A nice sized and very clear piece of amber.  This has a rather large mite (at least I think it is a mite...not tick.....I always find these hard to distinguish).  There is also a midge, Chironomidae.

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