Dominican Botanical Specimens

Item 1

Part of a leaf with 3 leaflets. Very unique, seldom see and I cannot
the tree or shrub that these leaves came from. Also has a midge
in it and finally a very small bristletail.  Finally there is what looks like a fibrous tissue from a plant. Impressive piece. You won't see this very often - good price.

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Item 2

Large pieces of leaves, stems and a flower are in this beautiful piece.  Everything is easily seen, although the flower is not as distinct.  This is a great piece showing just about everything.

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Item 3

If you want a piece just to set on your desk - this is it. It is a good sized chunk of amber, about 2.5 x 1 x .3 inches.  There are anthers, petioles, stamens, leafs, fungus gnat, just a wide variety of botanicals. Fun to look at, always something new will pop up.
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Item 4

Here is a stamen, both the anther and filament - large easy to see.  You can even see some of the pollen coming off the anther.  There is part of a leaf near the center of the stamen.

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Item 5

Upper half of a leaf, a fragment of a leaf along with what looks like a planthopper, a small beetle, Coleoptera, and a dark winged fungus gnat, Diptera, Sciaridae.

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Item 6

Good piece with what looks like a casing from a flower or something similar. Also contains an ant, the head of an ant and a gall midge,
Diptera Cecidomyiidae.

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Item 7

Great piece with a large branching Bryophyte.  There is something about Bryophytes that is just cool.

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Item 9


Leaf fragment that shows very well.  The amber is very clear and leaf fragment is sharp.  The is a beautiful fungus gnat, Diptera, Mycetophilidae.  Also a good sized mite (mites are small to begin with...).  Finally, there is a fly with some strange protrusions on the abdomen - maybe fungus - but interesting.


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Item 10

A beautiful piece of amber with some unusual floral parts. There is a flower with spiky projections (stamens?) and various other floral fragments. Fun to look at and just a good piece - great price on this piece.

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Item 11

Largish piece of amber with part of a leaf.  Very nice and easy to see, the leaf is particularly good.

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Item 14

Item 15

This has a great leaf in it. Almost a pyramid shape (rather a freeform pyramid), the leaf in this specimen is very nice. There is a fungus gnat, Diptera, Mycetophilidae off to the side. Impressive leaf.


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Item 16

Nice sized piece with a large number of leaflets scattered throughout the piece.  A few gall gnats can also be seen.  What looks like roots (they are probably not) are underneath an irregular portion of the amber.  There is even a platypodid beetle in this jungle.

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Item 17


An interesting piece.  There are many, many air bubbles with 20 million year old samples of air - some even have bubbles insideThere is a nice fragment of a Bryophyte.  There is a winged termite. Finally there are three unknowns near an edge.  One of the unknowns looks like an ant, but seemingly has 8 legs.  I do not think it is a spider, but am not sure. There is a curled ant.  Maybe a bee and a number of smaller ants and a beetle.

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Item 18

Lots of stamens and anthers scattered here. There is also a petiole, a possible sepal, the shed of a spider (cool), a fly and even an isopod. This is like the one above, always something new when you look at it. There is even a possible Hemipteran - although I cannot see it well enough for any type of ID. Also included for your viewing pleasure is a spider with very long legs.  The piece is loaded with stuff - dark colored amber.

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Item 19

This is the perfect piece. There is a very large part of a stem in this amber. The amber is clear and even has what looks like part of a aerial root, neat looking, this is the piece to have.

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Item 20

Part of a set of leaflets rolled together near one side of the amber. There is also a fly near the plant.

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Item 21

Here is a good sized piece of Dominican amber that contains leaf parts that were strewn on the forest floor. This is a good piece.

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Item 23

Item 24

The scanned image and the pictures do not do this one justice. The leaf is an inch long (can't see it in the scan because of reflection). There is also a petiole near an edge, an ant, Hymenoptera, Formicidae and a gnat.

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Item 25


Large chunk of amber - this has nice stems and leaves. Fun to look at, you will not get bored with this one.

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Item 26

Cool piece - this has a stamen - actually a rather large and easily seen one.  When you observe close up the head, you can see a large bubble and a spider....all in one piece.  There are some very small bubbles within bubbles.

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Item 27

Very nice piece of amber showing stems, and leaf parts. Really cool - nice size, good looks - great price.

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Item 28

Large piece of Dominican amber with a nice, but smallish portion of a leaf.  This is a good piece at a great price.

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Item 29

The beauty of this piece is the simplicity, clearness and beauty of a bud or flower. Nice for a pendant, just a great piece. It does also have a wasp and a small beetle - both are small.
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Item 30

An impressive leaf that looks like it has been shattered, 3 winged ants, Hymenoptera, Formicidae another part of a hairy leaf and even a large beetle (at least I think it is.) The beetle is tough to see.

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