Dominican Amber

Item 129

This is one of those pieces that the animal is obscured due to 20 million year old air bubbles.  It has a fairly good sized long legged fly, Diptera, Dolichopodidae.  The fly shows better in these pictures than 'real life'.

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Item 130

Dominican Repulic Amber with Fossils

So seldom does one see the perfect cockroach, Blattodea.  This one is centered in perfectly clear amber with great color.  The roach is almost .5 inches long - so easy to see.  You are going to love this one.  The microscopic details arebeautiful.

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Item 131

Dominican Repulic Amber with Fossils

Nearly spherical, this medium sized piece contains a very nice fungus gnat near the top, Diptera, Mycetophilidae.

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Item 132

For some reason I love crane flies, Diptera, Tipulidae.  Their legs are normally pulled off since they break easily in the resin.

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Item 133

Dominican Repulic Amber with Fossils

If you like botanical specimens, you will love this one. Lots of stuff to keep you interested. There is a nice stamen, a few 'twigs' (rather small to be twigs though) and what I think is part of a leaf. Good piece, good price.

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Item 135

Dominican Repulic Amber with Fossils

Back half of a bristletail, 1 wasp (maybe a webspinner, but I doubt it) and a moth fly. This is not the piece you buy for the insects, buy it for the size, since it is large, and the insects are only fair.

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Item 136

This is a cool piece. It is rather a dark amber color. There is a small primitive fly, Nematocera, but it has a very nice male winged ant, Hymenoptera, Dolichoderinae (?). There is a decomposition bubble emanating from the abdomen, which is not common in ants (termites, yes, ants no).

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Item 137

Dominican Repulic Amber with Fossils

Nice size, very interesting piece.  There is some surface glazing, but does not interfere at all with specimen.  there is 2 tropical stingless bees that are inside an amber tube.  That is, one amber flow caught the bees and then another and another flow came over them.  The bees are visible, but are occluded by some air bubbles.

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Item 138

A nice leaf on one side and a female worker ant, Hymenoptera, Formicidae on the other. Good piece.

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Item 139

Dominican Repulic Amber with Fossils

Amber without animals - actually most amber does not have animals. But this does have some very interesting air bubbles. One bubble has a bubble within a bubble. That indicates that the bubble really has water in it - 24 million year old water.

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Item 140

Item 141

Dominican Repulic Amber with Fossils

Very nice cab shape, clear with great color. There is one animal in the sea of yellow, a wasp, Hymenoptera.

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Item 142

Dominican Repulic Amber with Fossils

A fun piece of amber. There must be a half dozen platypodid beetles in this piece, Coleoptera, Platypodidae.

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Item 143

Dominican Repulic Amber with Fossils

A very large piece of Dominican amber with a large leaf.  Perfect.  The amber is about 88 grams and about 3 x 2 x 1 inch in size.  The single huge leaf is about 2 inches long.  By the way, that is VERY large.   This is the type of piece that sets a collection, it is even large enough to be the representative of a collection - as good as it gets.

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A video


Item 144

Dominican Repulic Amber with Fossils

A nice sized planthopper in this amber. It is Homoptera, Delphacidae.

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Item 145

I am not 100% sure on my guess, but I think this is a moth, Lepidoptera.  I cannot see the mouth parts well enough to properly ID it.

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Item 146

Item 147

This is a great one.  It is clear and frames perfectly a wood gnat, Diptera, Anisopodidae.

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Item 148

Dominican Repulic Amber with Fossils

Smaller size with a cricket, Orthoptera, Gryllidae, at one end. Good value for the money.

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Item 149

If you like plants, this one will meet your criteria.  Rather a good sized leaflet with the leaflets folded inwards.


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Item 150


Rather shaped like a strange pyramid, this amber contains 2 leaf beetles, Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae and a planthopper, Fulgoridea.

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Item 151

Dominican Repulic Amber with Fossils

Fun and informative. This does have a fungus gnat, Diptera, Mycetophilidae and 2 planthopper nymphs. This piece is cool, not because of the insects, but how it was formed. You can see that this is a cross section of a an amber tube. You can see the original amber flow and then successive layers of resin flows (like stalagmite).

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Item 152


Female worker ant, Hymenoptera, Formicidae off to the side along with an immature unknown animal. There is some interesting debris scattered in this piece, guaranteed to keep you looking.

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Item 153

Rare, this is a acrocerine fly.  The Acroceridae are a small family of odd-looking flies. They have a hump-backed appearance with a strikingly small head, generally with a long proboscis for accessing nectar.

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Item 154


Here are two argentine ants, Hymenoptera, Formicidae.  They are both in the genus Linepithema and are males.  The piece is small and the ants do not 'jump out at you'.

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Item 155

A small but beautiful piece of amber that shows a spider very well.  Nicely located in the center.

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Item 156

There is a lot here, all very small though.  A larva of a planthopper, Homoptera, Cicadellidae, a leg of a large insect, what looks like a bud, air bubbles with air bubbles, a springtail, some unknowns, just a lot.

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Item 157

Dominican Repulic Amber with Fossils

A March fly, Diptera, Bibionidae. Some species are abundant in the month of March (hence the common name.) The piece is small and has some surface glazing. This is a rare specimen though.

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Item 158

A nice air bubble that is inside another hazy air bubble (nice way of saying it is hard to see).   Who knows what this air bubble holds...............

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Item 159

Dominican Repulic Amber with Fossils

Nice and clear piece of Dominican amber with a flat footed ambrosia beetle, Coleoptera, Platypodidae Also there is a possible plant hopper next to the beetle.

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Item 160

Dominican Repulic Amber with Fossils

A wonderful piece of Dominican amber. Smallish in size, but it is clear and has a wonderful color. There is what looks like a 'peeled' flower. Maybe better described as an exploded flower. You can even see the stamens in this guy. Very unusual and very neat.

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Item 161

Dominican Repulic Amber with Fossils

Here you go - this is the rare isopod - sometimes called by my daughter, a roly polygenus Sphaeroniscidae.   Rather rare in any amber, this is a nice specimen.

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Item 162

This has a nice, set of 3 male winged ant, Hymenoptera, Formicidae.  Also a stingless bee, Hymenoptera, Apidae:Meliponino, genus Proplebeia.

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Item 163

A single flat-footed ambrosia beetle, Coleoptera, Playtpodidae.  You can just see one of the wings in this guy.

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