Baltic Spiders

This page is different from the other pages. This has only Baltic amber with spiders. Sometimes there are other animals, but all pieces have at least one spider in them.

Item 1

Rather nice sized piece of Baltic amber with a few rough corners (gives it distinction).  Spider is small, but visible.

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Item 2

This is a small piece of Baltic amber.  Inside it is a 1st instar mite.  If you are into mites, this is a nice piece at a good price.  The casual collector may not be interested because of the size.

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Item 3

Baltic Spiders

Item 4

Baltic Spiders

Smallish sized piece (not super small, but not large) with a spider at an 'interface' of two resin flows.

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Item 5

Smallish piece of Baltic amberHas a small spider in it.

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Item 6

An interesting piece of amber.  This has not been 'cleared' so you are seeing something 'as it really is".  The spider is off to the side and fairly nice!

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Item 7

Nice sized piece with one end not polished.  The piece has not been cleared so the spider is difficult to see.

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Item 8

Nice piece of amber, I like the shape. The spider is at the end of the amber, small and hard to see.

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Item 9

Nice sized piece, sides not polished (good effect).  Has a small spider, a mite, wasp and a gnat.

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Item 10

Baltic Spiders

Item 11

Baltic Spiders

Nice sized piece, sides not polished (good effect).  Has a small spider, a mite, wasp and a gnat.

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Item 12

Interesting piece, a spider and small part of the webAlso inside, but not photographed is a Collembola.

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Item 13

Contains a fly, Nematocera and a spider, female.  It looks like the end of the abdomen is open, but it is filled with amber.

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Item 14


Item 15

Small, almost triangular shaped piece of Baltic amber with two spiders right next to each other.  One spider is very small and the other 'just' small.

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Item 16

Nice sized, uncleared piece of amber with what I think is a spider.  Difficult to ID.

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Item 17

If you need a spider mite for your collection, here it is, Acarina, Orbitidae.  Spider mites are small and the amber is small also.

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Item 18

Interesting spider in this clear amber, easily seen from one side only.  The spider is a goblin spider, Oohopidae, species Orchestino.

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Item 19

Here is a jumping spider in a nice piece of amber, but upon second look, I do believe there is a second unknown spider right underneath the jumping spider, Saltacidae.

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Item 20

Here is an ant, Formicidae curled ant in front is a very small parasitic spider.  Rather cool.

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Item 21

Here is a Baltic mite.  Mites are small, but they can have fascinating detail, like this one.

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Item 22

An irregular shaped piece of Baltic amber.  It does have a very nice (and small) spider on one edge.  There was also a springtail at one time (at another time when I was looking), I just cannot find it now.

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Item 23

Interesting piece with a true midge, Chironomidae and a male spiderThe spider is difficult to see, because of the angle.


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Item 24

Longish piece with a spider off on one end of this amber.

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Item 25

Item 26

Item 27

Smallish piece of amber.  This has a beetle mite, Araneae, Oribatidae and also a female ant, Formicidae.

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Item 28

I will loosely call this a jelly bean sized and shape piece of amber.  Smallish, but good, spider near the edge.

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Item 29

A lot of stuff inside this piece.  1 spider, an Opiliones (harvestman) and it looks like 5 beetles, Coleoptera.

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