Unknown Mammalian Jaw in Amber Bearing Rock

This is a jaw of a mammal that was found in a Mexican amber mine.  To be more specific, it was found in the amber mine "Polcitos" which is located near Simojovel in Chiapas, Mexico.  As far as I know, I have never heard of anything like this being found in an amber mine.  This was, and came straight from the miner.  This is as much as I know about it.  I do not know what specific animal it came from nor anything else.  I will admit that I would love someone help to ID the jaw and to tell me anything they know about it.

Size and shape.: There is a break in the jaw (easily seen).  The entire jaw is about 4 inches long by 1.25 tall and .25 in width.  The miner did send this video of the jaw.

How about it - can anyone help me on this?

By the way, I am not particularly interested in selling it since this is such a novel and rare specimen.

Email me at lundberg@ambericawest.com

Jaw in Chiapas amber
Jaw in Amber Chiapas
Jaw in Amber Chiapas
Jawq in Amber Chiapas
Jaw in Amber Chiapas
Jaw in Amber
Jawin Chiapas amber
Jaw in Amber Chiapas
Jaw in Amber
Jaw in Amber Chiapas
Jaw in Chiapas

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